Affordable Access to Justice Begins Here

Iaccarino Law Group

Estate Planning

Enjoy peace of mind knowing your Estate Plan, including but not limited to, a Revocable Living Trust, Power of Attorney, and all of your important personal financial security is being managed by an honest hardworking experienced attorney who will make sure your assets are protected and your wishes are carried out to the letter.  

Tenant Advocacy

Iaccarino Law Group is a steadfast advocate for California tenants and their rights.  Ask us to write a Letter of Demand and Representation, and assert your right to peacefully enjoy a habitable home.  Get started at


Divorce is rarely easy. Often it is wrought with emotion and worry about doing the right thing for our family and for ourselves. In these cases it is often helpful to have a legal professional who understands the full picture give us the guidance we need. If you are worried about how your divorce will affect you financially or are worried about support or parenting plan issues give me a call. We can meet and discuss the details of your issue. I will explain your options clearly. Together we can decide how to move forward to achieve the best end result.

Bankruptcy and Asset Protection

It’s not always easy to know which course of action will be the most beneficial to us. Life can throw us a curve ball with an unexpected illness, economic downturn or job loss. We have to decide if trying to climb out of debt on our own or filing for bankruptcy makes the most financial sense. At Iaccarino Law Group you will get one-on one guidance from an attorney with a solid financial base and two decades of successful legal experience. Text 415-843-1LAW[1529] or download an intake form and email it to my paralegal [email protected] to set up a free consultation.


As Bay Area Immigration Attorneys we understand and value importance of family and the value of achieving the American Dream.  ILC Lawyers specialize in all forms of immigration law.  Our highly qualified staff and experienced Immigration Attorneys are ready to provide you with the knowledge and support you need .

Specializing in Immigration Law for Esports, EB-5, E2, overseas investors, green cards & all business visas.

Abogado de inmigración en Burlingame, Sirviendo a todo de el estado de California


Criminal Law Defense

You need someone who can stand up to the criminal justice system and fight for you. Most importantly, someone you know who has proven results and will go above and beyond the call of duty to further the defense of your case, no matter how small or large the fee is. If you are charged with a crime, you need a Bay Area criminal defense attorney who has proven results similar to the crime you are presently charged with, you need, powered by Iaccarino Law Group.  

Attorney John Iaccarino

Since 1986, I have helped clients with a wide range of legal and financial issues. I have extensive knowledge of bankruptcy laws, estate planning matters and family law issues. I bring comprehensive legal and fiscal knowledge to bear on every case I represent.

"I had a consultation with John regarding an issue with my landlord and he was able to assess the situation quickly and provide me with some very achievable actions to deescalate the situation. Ultimately, I decided to use John's advice for the best deescalation possible and it totally worked. I am so thankful to have John help me out!"
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